Members, we are excited to inform you that Langham Creek High School is our official host for this coming Student Workshop. It will be held on Saturday, January 15th, 2022. We want to thank Eric Laughlin, Joseph Hebert, and Evelyn Cantu for taking on this challenge. We are beyond excited to see what they have planned for our professionals and our students this year. Additionally, for the first time every GHATS will host a College Workshop in tandem with our student workshop. We look forward to seeing you there. Please, remember to bring your students you must be a GHATS member, so renew your membership today. As an added bonus if you and your staff join before December 1st you will receive additional entries into our Workshop Frio Hydration give away. Those entries are on a 1-to-1 basis, take our Langham hosts for example if all three of their athletic trainers were to join by that December 1st deadline they would receive 3 entries into the drawing. So, hurry up and renew your membership today!